Dr & nurse have examined cuts to fingers, all proceeding OK. Slashed knuckle needed another butterfly closure. Warned not to change dressings too often as healing happens at body temperature & removal of dressing reduces temperature.
@gtwilson I was ½ of a pizza-eating team once. We trained for a few weeks, then in the two hours allowed, managed to consume 2¾ 16-inch pizzas. The competition arrangers made it doubly difficult, specifying the flavour as ham, tomato cheese, pineapple & with a not quite cooked egg in the centre.
We didn't win. Another team was able to consume 2⅞ pizzas.
Although they never claimed their prize of free vouchers from that same pizza shop.
@nitinkhanna And to be able to compose them easier by not having to squint at a tiny screen. This is crucial when dealing with failing eyesight.
@jextxadore Then, wouldn't you know it, at a service organisation's annual dinner to which I'd been invited as a previous member, I score a hefty cheese serving platter & knife as a raffle prize.
That sucker is gonna get some use.
I don't want you to update my Kindle store experience, you fucker! Just load the fucken book already!
Investment account has just taken a hit, car registration & Body Corporate fees came due today: $1600 or thereabouts.
I'd helped a Mac User Group member to buy & set up a new MacBook Pro so today she gave me some presents. A bottle of unwooded chardonnay, a box of water crackers & a wedge of Port Salut cheese. Most appreciated.