@matigo No way. I'm perfectly fine with my choice. After all, if you hold off purchase because something better/cheaper in coming, you'll never upgrade.
The difference a year makes in Apple laptop pricing. I can no longer get the same specification of M3 15-in MacBook Air that I bought last year because now when you specify 512 GB of storage, the processor core count is automatically bumped up from 8 to 10. The price has also dropped A$700 for that configuration.
Don't get old.
Just learned I'll probably need another iron infusion, the last one was in April of 2024 and in May of 2023 I needed a blood transfusion and iron infusion due to low haemoglobin level. It was 74g/l in '23 and a week after the procedure, was back above 120. In August '24it was a healthy 129g/L but now it's dropped to 106 g/L. My GP has referred me to a GI specialist, but the earliest available appointment is mid April.
The receptionist whom I contacted said the doctors triage all faxed and emailed referrals to prioritise treatment so it's possible that an earlier timeslot is available. The letter mentions semi-urgent, so that may be a deciding factor.
Right. I’ve taken a couple of ibuprofen tablets and obtained a degree of pain relief.
Twenty-four hours ago I had an anti-shingles vaccination and was told to expect pain in the jab site for a couple of days afterwards. Frankly, I’m over it, I’ve hardly had any sleep because of the pain and discomfort.
Although, as one of my sisters said, it beats the pain of actual shingles .
Once you get past my foul mouth, anxiety, dark sense of humour, awkwardness and sarcasm, I really am fun to hang out with…
@matigo I bought the original Apple Magic trackpad to use with my 21.5 4k iMac because of the positive experience I'd had with MacBook trackpads. I could never get used to it. Eventually I bought an app that included three different adhesive numpad stickers and software to remap the touch surface to operate as a numpad with or without a smaller trackpad surface, depending on my preference.
@hazardwarning Back in 2012 I bought a Logitech K760 solar-powered keyboard, it's still going strong. I paid A$89 for it which had one of my UK contacts who'd (recommended the device) somewhat annoyed as he'd paid £99 for his. The exchange rate in those days was almost A$2 to £1.
Rather impressed with my new mouse, it's a Logitech MX Master 3S multi-button mouse that has 5 programmable buttons and a sideways scroll wheel that can also be set to different functions. It's of ergonomic design, fits the hand well and different apps can have different functions allocated to them.
The attachment shows the functions I have set for general use, Safari-specific and Zoom-specific usage cases.
I have found a USB hub that can allow the Apple SuperDrive (DL DVD burner) to connect successfully with a Mac. It uses a 1-metre long Thunderbolt 3 cable to connect to the Mac. This is not, however, a cheap item.
I refer to my Apple Studio Display. Any one of the three 10Gbps downstream USB-C ports will do the job.