Back arching exercises seem to have taken care of the sharp pain in the middle of my back. Add that to the constant dull ache in the lumbar region and frequent episodes of sciatica. It's thoroughly lacking a fun component.

Little-known fact about crocodiles: they won't persue you if you carry a flashlight.

Of course, you have to be moving much faster than a human can run at the time.

My first morning job will be to remove & drain the night bag, before washing it in warm soapy water, then rinsing it and allowing it to drip dry, ready for tomorrow night.

Day catheter bag emptied, larger night bag attached below it, so Mum won't (hopefully) need to get up in the night. Currently a little after 9 pm.

Mum has almost the same cordless phone setup as I do, only she has three handsets instead of the four I have. I entered the names & phone numbers of immediate family into one handset and by the magic of modern wireless technology, the info was added automatically to the other two.

About to fit the night bag (2 litre capacity) to Mum's catheter after she empties the smaller day bag that's taped to her leg.

Took Mum to the local hospital with a bladder problem: it couldn't be emptied. The fitted a catheter & sent her home four hours later. I took that time to slip home (30 minute drive each way) and made sure my cat has food, water, bedding & litter until Monday night at least. My older sister comes in from the other side if the country for a few days, arriving Tuesday sonetime. She'll take over the tending of the parent.

of course not! The incompetent fuckpigs truly believe there can't have been any data lost. Never mind that uncompleted online forms (such as mine was) were saved as plain text.

The Census website that crashed so magnificently two nights ago is working again.

Not looking forward to my 3-monthly androgen deficiency injection in 12 hours. The last one, back in May was sore for three days afterwards.