If you can spare 30-ish minutes from your busy lifestyle, I recommend downloading the podcast itself from that website. Go to http://mpegmedia.abc.net.au/rn/podcast/2015/08/aim_20150830.mp3 to start the download.

// @skematica @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg This is silly. 2016-10-19 at 05.42.jpg

I used a VPN to open the link.


Seriously, multi-tasking is a myth. You can't do it, the brain just isn't wired for it. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/the-myth-of-multitasking/6743356

// @skematica @kdfrawg

that's mental. Totally abnormal, surely.

Weird. Nothing on my timeline between 8:49 pm & 10:23 pm.


Committee meeting over. The soup was very well received. Most were surprised the meat was from a goat. I served it with chunks hacked from a sourdough baguette.

Try instead of thrgillag.


Police didn't leave empty-handed. They asked if I could spare some lemons from the ground & tree. No problem.

Just had the cops around, looking for someone who's never lived here. Falsification of address. I hate that.

Knock yourself out…….