Testing the Yawpology of this thing.

I sound my barbaric #yawp over the roofs of the world.

What do you call a Frenchman in sandals?

Philippe Philoppe!

When I updated the 32 GB iPad Mini I picked up 2 GB of extra space. This was crucial: in order to get more than a GB of free space for the update I had to delete two apps. After the update I restored those apps & had almost 3 GB of free space.

Liking the NightShift setting on this new iPad, also being new enough to be able to do full split-screen stuff is mighty fine as well.

I'm seeing many mentions of yesterday as blurb dates in my timeline right now. Being only a few minutes past midnight, that's to be expected.

New avatar. I feel ½ out of it.

Testing: the old Logitech Ultra-thin keyboard cover I bought when I had an iPad 3. The new iPad (same dimensions as the original iPad Air fits in the mounting slot as long as it's in a case to bulk it out.
The left ⌘ button has vanished, fell off somewhere a few years ago. Overall, though it's a pleasant enough typing experience.

Men's Shed iMac failed to restart after installing Sierra 10.12.4 combo updater, restored via Time Machine backup to its state as of Thursday last week when it was last used.

Restoration went OK, no loss of data or settings.