Before medical intervention last week, sepsis had set in and acute renal failure which stemmed from low blood pressure was under way.
I managed to get the right treatment in time for a mostly full recovery.
Today my GP revealed he’d been unable to feel my pulse prior to calling for an ambulance, which arrived within three minutes.
He said the only reason my temperature was at normal levels was that my skin was cold & clammy. Later in hospital my temperature rose above 38˚C, which is Not Good.

I consider myself to be quite fortunate.

No problems on a 6th gen iPod Touch, iPhone SE, 5th gen iPad & the HomePod.

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Low fluid intake over preceding two days & low blood pressure combined with the pneumonia just threw the whole system out. The issue with the potential loss of kidney function was whether urine production would resume if the blood pressure was able to be brought up to normal levels in a reasonable timeframe.
So they fitted a visual gauge to observe kidney function: a catheter.

Fortunately I responded quickly to the infusion of three litres of saline over 15 hours plus whatever fluid was used as the carrier for the IV antibiotics.

First day back home from hospital. Still a bit weak and occasionally unsteady. Damage to the knee from last week’s fall means I need to use a forearm crutch as a walking aid. Need to see a lung specialist, hospital suspects existing lung damage , possibly from 8 years as a heavy smoker or (I hope not) industrial exposure to asbestos.
Two short but intense courses of antibiotics on top of all the IV antibiotics I had is expected to take care of the remainder of the pneumonia.
Apparently I was not far from partial kidney failure but responded well to having an IV intake of 3 litres of saline drip in 15 hours at two different hospitals.

I haven’t reformatted my SSD (SuperDuper clone) - still on APFS.

Is it backing up to a HD or an SSD? My MacBook Pro clones (using Super Duper) to an external SSD in HFS+ and also to a 500 GB partition of a 2 TB HDD using Carbon Copy Cloner. The rest of that HD is for Time Machine.

Mine has 6-inch diameter rubber wheels.

Had a nasty fall in a shopping centre carpark last night. a bit of skin abbrasion on both knees, my right palm & left elbow, the same one afflicted with lateral epicondylitis. Giving the most trouble is the arthritic left knee, I’ve wrenched something inside it. Nothing torn or fractured, though. I have enormous trouble walking, need to use rollator walker or forearm crutches in conjunction with a knee stabilising brace.
I did worse damage in another fall six years ago and like then, find I can operate the clutch of a manual-transmission vehicle just fine.

Real porridge for breakfast: the contents of the box are rolled barley, 51% & rolled oats 49%.