Results of blood tests show iron to be at the low end of normal. Technically I'm anaemic. No surprise, except the reading being as high as it was. Back to the iron tablets.

There could be an explosion in the hospital soon. One very vocal patient is frequently shouting "Nurse, nurse!! Help me, please! My back passage is killing me!"

EEG tests are OK, a suspect for my dizzy turn is low iron, blood samples have been taken. I have a history of low iron in my blood. It's gonna be at least an hour untill the test results come through. Other symptoms/pains have eased off. I wanna go home.

in a word, no. Horrid things.

That screaming child can bugger off, too. Hateful things, kids.

Took a dizzy turn at the Men's Shed a bit over an hour ago. Vital signs test OK according to paramedics. In the hospital for testing/observation.

It do be raining.

IMG_0387.PNG I'm at the blue dot near the middle.

I hope something comes of it.

I don't believe I've ever slept for 8 hours. No when hitting the hay while sober, anyway.


What joy there is in ganglion cysts! None actually. One has popped out of my left wrist, there is associated swelling with it and a sharp stabbing pain even while resting. So I need to hit my supply of anti-inflammatories I keep on hand to target gout attacks. Plus the swelling restricts sideways wrist movement.