Reflux now at bay. I forced myself to sit up long enough in the wee small hours for the antacids & proton-pump inhibitor to work. The extra blast of calcium from a thickened milk drink (full-cream milk with skim milk powder added) sipped slowly also provided relief.

@skematica Some dogs are pretty good at the job & are less likely to try to consume the find…….

// @kdfrawg

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg By no means alone. Most of my real-life friends have it for the first time when I supply it.


Right. I have taken a proton-pump inhibitor, about 12 hours earlier than scheduled. Plus I have more antacids available. I made up some extra-thick milk by adding milk powder to some whole milk & I'm sipping that slowly. The calcium in the milk helps counteract the acid.

@kdfrawg Seems more like "language defective" games.


Major reflux episode. Antacids aren't working. Cannot lie on my back or either side without more of the gunk spewing forth. Headache not helping matters. It's after 5 am & I should be asleep. But I can only sit or stand.

Fuck. What happened to the blurb I was just writing? It just vanished before I could even hit the send button, which I wasn't ready to do.

My supply comes from Cyprus.

// @kdfrawg

WTF, Apple? My iPhone SE & iPod Touch are on iOS 10.1.1. iTunes acknowledges this as fact yet says there's an update to take them up to iOS 10.1.1. Then when I try to humour iTunes & go thru with the "update" it crashes with an unspecified server error. Stupid Bastids.

Update: on Nov 9, Apple released an iTunes-only iOS 10.1.1 update to iOS 10.1.1, but with a different build number. This apparently fixes things that probably aren't broken on my iOS devices.

Apple here's a hint: if it's an update then make it available OTA & give it a different version number.