It's sad how many ornithologists are forced to turn to crime to finance their heron addiction.

I'm listening to Goon Show Radio on @TuneIn. #NowPlaying

A Tale of Mens' Shirts.

Not in my dictionary. But cruciverbalism is.

At Mum's place last night there was one trick or treat attempt. I quite fail to see why we should be importing stupid shit like this, it's not part of Australian tradition & quite frankly, is misplaced.

I was nice and polite at the door: "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work here."
The mother was understanding, as were her three daughters. They moved on to another victim.

It's all bullshit.

only in the mating season.

After that wordology my brain is tired, as are my eyes, plus a headache is building.

Spent the last few hours converting various Christmas quizzes into crossword clues before compiling a crossword for the December issue of the Mac User Group's monthly magazine. Download it here if interested.

& this is my minimalist one on the iPad.


Public holiday today. One of the sillier ones. There's this annual horse race that's worth a lot of money.
Folk like me who couldn't give a rat's arse about horses (smelly great monsters) get to suffer from lack of public services open.