I assume it's been raining. A wet cat has come inside & jumped on top of me.
@keita I spent most of the day driving around to potential suppliers of a favourite imported fruit-juice cordial. In the end my usual supplier had it in the more distant of their two retail outlets. So I'm stocked up for another 12 months or so.
@matigo visiting relatives, demonstrating phone/tablet/computer to small groups, camping, travelling, lots of possibilities.
Arthritis affecting middle finger of left hand need attention. Hurts to bend it fully. Anti-inflammatories needed.
Expected to retail for US$300. Collapsible portable rear-projection monitor. https://www.youtube.com/watch
Catholic church two blocks away had its annual fete today. They're finishing off with a widely-publicised fireworks display. Pet owners have been asked to keep them indoors. And yet neighbourhood dogs are howling. My cat is interested in the noise. I have a great view of it through my laundry window.
OWC announces Thunderbolt 3 dock, adds 13 legacy ports to the new MacBook Pro - BestTechie https://www.besttechie.com/owc-announces-thunderbolt-3-dock/