Dateline: Thursday, Feb 24th, 1983, 7:55 pm. I'm at a social gathering the day after the devastating Ash Wednesday bushfires.
A friend came over to me and said "Have you heard about Murray Forsyth (a mutual acquaintance)?"
"No," I answered, "what's he done now?"
"Terrible news. He and the crews of the Narre Warren & Panton Hill fire appliances were trapped when the wind changed last night & overcome by a firestorm. All 12 have died."

I fell apart emotionally. Murray had been a great friend. I'd worked with the Captain of the Narre Warren fire brigade, he was also a casualty. It still affects me to this day, 34 years later.

It's almost Tuesday & you're asking how my weekend was‽

It's you. Welcome to middle age

This is quite clever.

Eire I am.jpg

A tale of a one-track mind.

Gadget twat.jpg

@lechindianer Ducks, runs & hides.

There's a perforated aluminium spacer that goes in the bottom of the device when cooking that way.


Close. International BitterING Units.


Got this lot from a brother for Xmas.


I think it's beer.

22 pages of stuff needs printing for tomorrow's body corporate meeting. Normally I'd use the laser printer but it can't handle double-sided printing so I've used an inkjet.