My bother, a friend & myself were discussing various breakfast cereals a few years ago, my friend said his nine-year-old son's favourite cereal was porridge. Then he added, "Not that we've ever let him try anything else."


Woke up about 90 minutes ago with a horrid dry rasping bout of coughing. I've been checking email & generally doing social media stuff & am now back in bed at about 3:30am with a nice strong cup of Assam-sourced tea. And a cat sitting on me saying hello.

I once thought that a combination of yogurt & coffee might be a handy way to start the day. Then I found a coffee-flavoured yogurt once and it was vile.

Sounds disgustingly healthy. Reminds me of the ingredients list on the box of cereal I bought yesterday: Oats. Not rolled, though, chopped up rolled oats, cooks quicker.
Tests have shown no nutritional difference between steel-cut oats, rolled oats or quick oats: only the texture & the cooking time of the finished product is different.

Sprinkled over the top?

It's a companion app that needs Chrome to do the grunt work.


I use it via an Epichrome site-specific browser. So it's in its own window.



Oh, that thing! I keep the window narrowed to avoid looking at it. I suspect it's an as-yet unactivated feature.


Where is this mysterious Create Channel thing of which you mention?