But they're empty!

When I ran Applejack on the G3 Pismo PowerBook, I couldn't get it to work, after each keypress when trying to enter the word applejack, a zero would appear & the command wasn't recognised. Then I realised it was version 1.4, intended for Jaguar (10.2) & Panther (10.3) versions of OS X.
Installing version 1.6 of Applejack fixed the problem, it's in used now.

Discussion on the Mac user group forum re the difference in terminology between using the Terminal App & single user mode made me remember an old utility app that was run from single user mode. That is Applejack & I know I'll have to install it on the G5 PowerMac & the G3 Pismo PowerBook. It is already on the G4 MDD PowerMac & might need to also be added to the G4 eMac. I'm not sure about the Titanium PowerBook, I need to do a bit more checking.
It's a really handy utility, repairs startup drives, repairs permissions, removes corrupt preferences, cleans out system & individual user caches and removes swapfiles.

It can be run manually or automatically, if AUTO is entered instead of auto, it goes into deep clean mode.

A way to determine if it's installed is to open Terminal app and enter 'man applejack'. If it's installed Terminal will open a user manual for the app.

No snow to get in the way!

Every 2 months I compile a crossword for the Mac User Group magazine. Here's the latest one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/90j96z5neh7r9f2/ausom-march%202017topublish_march.pdf?dl=0

Since getting home, Mum's made me three cups of tea, the first had to be chucked out cos the milk was off.
She must have forgotten she'd given me the 2nd one because she brought in a 3rd one a minute ago. That's fine, I like tea the way she makes it.

Surfin' USA! ??

Yep, the length of the rest breaks is determined by how she feels. For about half the distance the speed limit is 110kph, we averaged 85kph. Of the rest there's 100kph, 80kph & 60kph on the suburban roads. I'm about to have a cup of tea and rest for a couple of hours.

Back at Mum's place, 5½ hours after leaving the motel. Had two breaks of about 45 minutes total, covered 404 km.

Left the motel at 8:34 am, stopped a a McDonalds McCafe after about 100 minutes of travel. Had a flat white ( really good coffee) and a small carrot cake. Left there 65 minutes ago, taking a toilet break after travelling 266 km in 3 hours. Expect to be back at Mum's place in 90 minutes or so.