I use ShiftyJelly's* PocketCasts on iOS. They have a feature so you can sync across iOS/Android devices.
A few years ago they issued a major update to Android before iOS, because that's how the user device ratio went.

*ShiftJelly are based within 60 km of home.

depends on ambient temperature. Any local cats? See if it makes them sick.

Thanks a bunch. Not. I'd been trying to forget about that tosspot.

usually do with wikipedia

Yes, a bit. That must have been a Trump crowd estimate.

I suspect that population figure could be a bit out.

IMG_0574.PNG It's closer to 34,000.

Motel wifi under extreme load. Failing horribly. I normally get 2.9 MBps download on my FTTN connection at home, this WiFi actually peaked at 2.9 KBps. Briefly.

Done my ironing at the motel, now internetting with a hot cup of tea.

Mum decided we wanted Chinese takeaway. Got it but rather disappointed in the allegedly hot dish. If it had any hot spice it was on its great-grandmother's side of the family.

It's back. I have plenty of data on the iPad, even though there's no LTE here.