How hard is it to get it right?? Ordered a case for an iPad Air. Package arrived from supplier bearing a case for an iPa2/3/4 instead. It's too tall & too wide to fit my iPad.

What's all this fuss about 3D printers?


209 km trip completed. Niece collected from my sister's place and delivered to Mum. Then back home again. I need sleep.

being a boring old man hasn't stopped me from sticking my rubbish up here.

Same here.

// @lechindianer

I find my most comfortable clothing to be wool, leather footwear in conjunction with cotton socks (avoids horrid smells). Polyester is likely the only synthetic I favour. In summer I tend to wear mostly cotton.

// @skematica @kdfrawg

That was almost debilitating. Bad case of gastric reflux which made my entire chest area feel like it was burning. Swallowed a glass of Eno dissolved in water followed by the same amount of whole milk to add calcium to the sodium carbonate/bicarbonate mix. Feeling much better now.

A great-great-great grandfather of mine died in 1899 aged 108. I've no desire to linger that long.

Tomorrow I drive for an hour to my sister's place to pickup our niece and take her to Mum's place where she'll be for two days before getting a train then the airport bus to fly home (about 1700 km away). If she used public transport from my sister's place to Mum's place it would involve a suburban bus trip, then a suburban train followed by a country train then a 1 km walk, it all it would take a minimum of three hours. I can do it direct in 75 minutes.