Still 50 minutes from home/bed. Knees are incredibly sore. So I'm at a 7-11 for a flat white to flush down my painkillers.

I sound my barbaric #yawp over the roofs of the world. #yawpbeta test post to all accounts

#MisheardLyrics Clowns in my coffee.

@kdfrawg It wasn't until late 2008 that the cycle count for a MBP battery reached 500. It's 300 for this model. I believe it was 2010 when they were supposed to last to 80% of original capacity at 1000 cycles.

Just lucky, probably.

Yes, not very long ago. Should be no trouble to fix them properly. Should also be no charge.

My sister's father-in-law, Sandy, (now in his mid 90s and in a nursing home) was interviewed 10 days ago on Anzac Day about his war experience. The interviewer fron the local newspaper asked if he could remember where he was at the time of the D-Day landings in Normanby. He replied "I was there. Bombing the shit out of the German army." The reporter/interviewer was somewhat flummoxed and then asked if it would be too much trouble for him to kneel beside a small memorial in the nursing home gardens, and if he felt the reporter was out of line with the request then tell him to shove it."
Sandy, remembering all his mates, looked the reporter straight in the eye and simply said, "How could I possibly refuse that?" With the assistance of his youngest son at his elbow he knelt & prayed by that little shrine.

Just learned a few minutes ago that my nephew's marriage of just over 7 years has failed. His ex is the older daughter of the head of the Family Court in the state of Western Australia.

Unimpressed with my new glasses, one arm fell off ½ an hour ago. Initially I thought a screw had fallen out but investigation showed the screw had sheared off. So I've taped up the damaged spot cos I can't shove a bit of wire thru the holes.

I wondered why the MBP's battery was showing signs of loss of charge, having had 270 charge cycles, thinking it should have been capable of around 1000. But no, typically that model's battery has an estimated 300 cycles before needing replacement.