I used to play the triangle in a reggae band but left because it was just one ting after another.
About a month ago this MBA was having trouble with Safari, would take at least 31 bounces in the dock before it opened, unless I used another app to clear Safari's cache.
This morning Safari totally refused to work at all.
This was a worry but a restart fixed the problem.
It was three minutes after the time various apps assured me was sunrise that Night Shift decided to deactivate.
I'd been using the MBA for about 20 minutes when, at 7:03 am, it suddenly activated Night Shift. Checking those settings reveals it's due to deactivate itself at sunrise. A weather app tells me that's no due to occur for another seven minutes.
We shall see.
Got home today a bit after 3 pm. That's over 8 hours ago, I haven't moved from the couch since then.
So soothing. Black tea with 2 teaspoons of honey. My sore throat feels heaps better.
@streakmachine Well, the newly released Ignis is nothing like my old one, it's a narrow, high-riding four-seater with an engine you're likely familiar with, the 1100 cc unit.
// @kdfrawg