not poodle


@kdfrawg A truck-driving friend who spends long hours driving is of the sunburn-affected type: red hair, fair skin. (Not I, though. I've scored dark [now greying] hair & an olive complexion). To prevent this he applies +50 sunscreen before going outside, wears long-sleeved shirts & a wide-brimmed hat. Even in the quite sunny climate we have here, his sunburn avoidance program is so effective that he needs vitamin D supplements.


A few pubs around here do "triple-cooked" pork belly. First, it's slow-roasted then allowed to rest for about an hour. Then the meaty part is pan-fried and the fat side gets lightly charred on a BBQ.

// @kdfrawg

it's often said the only parts of a pig that aren't eaten are the pee & the squeal.

// @kdfrawg

Well, the Mac & iPad that weren't connecting to wifi at the Mac User Group satellite session tonight are working perfectly fine on my two home networks. Methinks a recent firmware upgrade to the AirPort Extreme wasn't applied.

Sounds like here. Tea, cheese & Xmas cake.

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg There's a couple of different versions, just found a pic of some bacon chops that have a bit more meat & fat than just the eye and are at least 1 cm thick.


Bacon chop.jpg

@kdfrawg A particular cut of bacon I like is marketed here as "bacon chops." It's the eye of the bacon rasher but sliced about 6 mm thick. It's mighty fine tucker.


Exactly how I approach it.

// @japchap

It's one of seven AirPort Extreme units the Mac User Group bought cheaply because they're superseded. This one is used by a satellite subgroup. The other six are used at the maim monthly meeting & I connect to them OK (or did three weeks ago!)