Another hot day today, when I came home I expected to find the cat outside, in a small patch of long grass I keep unmown, just trimmed to a bit over 2 ft high. She enjoys hiding & stalking from in there.
But no, she was perched on the outside bedroom windowsill well away from the sun.

I think I hate you. For being able to metabolise codeine, I can't.

I did laugh.


Widen the window to show the side panel on the right, then you'll likely see the overlap.


I see the same overlap in Safari & Vivaldi on the Mac when the right-hand side side panel is displayed. When I make the window narrower to hide the side panel, the overlap vanishes. I also see the overlap in Safari on the iPhone SE & iPod Touch.


My mother has a bottle of the Australian equivalent in her larder: Bushell's Coffee & Chicory. She loves it as a hot milk drink. A fruit cordial company also makes an alleged iced coffee concentrate, which contains more chicory than coffee.

Took a Numbers spreadsheet created in 2016 on a Mac running Sierra & exported it as a Numbers '09 document which was fully usable on the 2005 12-inch G4 PowerBook running Leopard. There's still life in the old beast yet!

Surgical excision is possible but they're caused by fluid leaking out of joints. Damn things come back in time.

Some days they're not evident at all.

Found some small bottles of a thin, tarry-looking substance in the supermarket today: it's super-concentrated coffee essence mixed with sugar. The idea is to squirt a teaspoonful into a glass of cold milk to make iced coffee. I chose the intense espresso version, it's actually quite good, very strong & not overly sweet. The syrup is 25% coffee, most iced coffee milk drinks are 0.5% coffee.

Still troubled by ganglion cysts.
