Just edited a post in the Broadsword Pnut web app. After the edit, the post remained in its position in the timeline.

Broadsword post editing seems very hit & miss: more often than not the option just isn't there.

I wondered why the capacitive buttons on the bottom of the Lumia 1520’s screen were not illuminated, even after a soft reset. So I searched the internet for possible solutions.
Turns out it’s because I’m currently in battery saver mode - I’m testing the device’s battery life/usability with battery saver engaged.

That's what he used for many years until acquiring his 2015 MBA. The old white MacBook could only use 10.6


Might be time to switch to macOS…….

How to easily hang a picture- https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--NkKubryA--/cfit,flprogressive,q80,w636/lx1vmbgb52bfm3frqhc0.gif

is not a bastard arsehole.
is not a bastard arsehole.
is not a ……..
I'm trying to convince myself of this.

But it's not working.

Going to do a special battery test on this Lumia 1520.
Battery Saver automatically kicks in at 20% and background operations reduce their frequency dramatically or cease altogether. I intend to give it a full charge then see how long it takes under otherwise normal usage to drain the battery with battery saver mode engaged.

It's only a problem with the iPhone & iPod Touch.


This looks a bit off to me. On the iPhone SE & iPod Touch the avatar merges with the text in portrait orientation.


I haven't tried my other devices yet. I'll let you know if they're also affected.

Another 10C invitation has been accepted.