@matigo Festering Arseholes……
// @sumudu
It's a cool day, not really cold yet I'm shivering like a dog pooping razor blades.
Feeling rotten. Dizzy spell almost made me fall in a shopping mall. Headache & sore joints. #Unpleasant
@phoneboy Apparently civilian GPS units suddenly became very accurate at the time of the first Gulf War: more units were needed for the military than could be supplied, so civilian devices were ordered and satellite restrictions lifted for the duration.
// @matigo
@kdfrawg At the car wash yesterday, a woman whose SUV wouldn't . start reached under the driver's seat and produced a jump-starter no larger than a hardcover novel. Those things are amazing, she said it was easier to keep using that device than to determine the electrical fault as it never seemed to go wrong at the service centre.
// @sumudu
A dashing young pirate named Bates
Danced the fandango on skates.
Alas, he tripped on his cutlass
And made himself nutless
And totally useless on dates.
@literary Moped, motorscooter an option? @streakmachine used one for a few years.
// @kdfrawg