I almost said I was ropable when I blurbed my angry status earlier, then I realised not many of you would understand this Australian/New Zealand colloquialism.
Ropable = extremely angry, as the Mac's dictionary app says- late 19th century derivation: from the notion that the person requires to be restrained.

Still seething & ferociously ANGRY after 11 hours.
Just before heading out this morning I started up the repaired washing machine. I had to go back inside cos I forgot something & damned glad I did.
The FUCKING machine was leaking again in exactly the same way. NINE days after being "fixed," repairman can't get here until Friday.
I spent 20 minutes with a wet & dry vacuum cleaner sucking up & dumping water. I grabbed all the towels & sheets & stuff used last time for the mop-up and chucked them on the floor again.
Repairman said he has to waive the callout fee because he'd last visited under 3 months ago. 9 days. FUCK.

Alternative title: Barmy on a balmy day.

Won't bother with breakfast today, it's the 1st Wednesday of the month, this means our Men's Shed group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men%27sshed gets snacks, cakes, slices, sandwiches provided by the local CWA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CountryWomen%27s_Association ladies.

It's a mutual backscratch operation: we help them out with projects or construction/maintenance jobs & they give us a good feed once each month.

Relief. Couldn't find my MacBook Air. No response from tracking apps, I use Hidden as well as Find My Phone. It wasn't where I thought I'd left it. I'd gone out yesterday for a few hours & when I returned the front door was ajar, seems I hadn't closed it properly.
When I couldn't find the MBA I thought maybe it was stolen, then thought, surely a thief would take the iPad in preference to a laptop.

We need to remember mine is the 11-inch, therefore quite small. I found it after a bit of scratching around under a bag of medical supplies in my sock drawer.

Must be a Brexit problem.?


No probs here, the one invitation code I have remaining is valid.


But only configurable at purchase time. So whatever’s in it, you’re stuck with.


Back was a bit better today but I still needed walking aids to get around the shops. Responding to treatment.