I struck something nasty with the men's Shed iMac: after switching user accounts, the screen went dark with only the cursor visible.

So I fired up the MBA & searched for a solution.
This is what worked: at the blank screen, type in the login name & press Return.
Then type in the password and press return.
Then press the spacebar.

That's all it needed.

How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


They're efficient and not very funny.

no great loss. Never liked his "music."


Just realised I use the opposite reverse-cycle A/C settings to my mother. She heats the room to 23°C and cools it to 19° whereas I cool mine to 23° & heat it to 19°.

I caught up with my old friend Michael after yesterday's Xmas church service, I rarely visit that town now our family has moved from the area. I hadn't seen him for maybe three years. His elderly father (90-something now) is in the local hospital's nursing home.
Mick mentioned that he and a few of his 9 sisters were collecting him and taking him home for Xmas dinner. It's under half a mile for the trip, so there's little distress for the old fella.

Theoretically I have adjusted the persistence time for on-screen Notifications in Sierra on my MBA. I get confused and tend to click on them rather than swiping to make them vanish.
I don't mind them being there, I just object to how long it takes for them to bugger off. A Google search gave me this solution: Open Terminal and enter <defaults write com.apple.notificationcenterui bannerTime n> with "n" at the end being the desired number of seconds. Then logout & back in or restart.

It seems to have worked out well. Just had a notification pop up & vanish in 2 seconds, as selected. It's enough time to register the arrival of a notification and take in the content before it goes away.

You're quite right, Ewen did warn us of the unreliability of Kingston SSDs.

It's a hot night. The wine in the bottle was cold. You can see where this is headed.

My usual issue with alcohol surfaced again. Once started, I couldn't stop. That ¾-bottle lasted almost 15 minutes.

In my late teens, I used to buy a bottle of cheap sherry or some other fortified wine innthe afternoon and have it finished by the morning. Three or four times a week. Then drive to work some 25 minutes away.

That was hard coming down from such silliness. Add a history of alcoholism on Mum's side of the family and I'm concerned I might be regressing.

At least it was a low-ish alcohol wine tonight, only 7% ABV, just a bit more than a strong beer.