@variablepulserate Usually around 6 MB for a 19MP image.
Maintenance works on the systems providing my FTTN broadband connection have shut down my connection until 6 am tomorrow, it’s as good as midnight now.
Current internet is being supplied by internet hotspot sharing from a Nokia Lumia 1520, my spare mobile phone (and a damn fine camera, too). I have an annual allowance of 80 GB on that device & I’m yet to use half of that tally, still have 57 GB remaining & the expiry date is early in March.
Nice to have options.
If you’ve never had to rewind a cassette tape using your finger, you have no right to complain about buffering.
TIL (from the Mac User Group’s monthly magazine) that a 10% discount on meals, etc applies at the monthly meeting venue’s cafe upon presentation of a Seniors Card.
Nice. I’ve been trying to find places that offer benefits to card users, having recent qualified by having existed for over 60 years.
@sumudu Just spotted this article in Apple News. https://www.cnet.com/how-to/iphone-xs-max-iphone-xr-what-you-need-to-know-about-apples-smart-battery-case/
@larand I’ll retain my 1520 as a camera after the final demise. I agree with you about the OS & the keyboard.
// @streakmachine @joeo10 @morrick
I saw a popup error in Mail on my MacBook Pro today, “Unable to verify account name or password.”
A bit of Googling found the answer.
Process to recover your macOS Mail and Inter net Accounts from the ‘Unable to ver i fy account name or pass word’ issue.
1: Open your email account in sys tem preferences.
2: Choose the email account to verify.
Note that your pass word field is blank.
3: Fill in the password.
4: Press Tab to move to the next field (Impor tant!).
5: Press OK again to force verification.
Then select the email account in the Mail app’s sidebar, right-click & select Synchronise account.”
All fixed. Not exactly an intuitive process.
@hazardwarning Reminds m.e of a setting that my Pentax MZ-50 film camera has. Set focus at a particular distance, wait for some critter to arrive & the camera taks the shot automatically. I never used it because it required a thingy called a “Cable Switch F.” That keeps the trigger release button depressed so that the autofocus and metering systems stay active.
// @variablepulserate