@skematica Which is of no use if like myself and @sumudu, the MacBook Air is an 11-inch model. That said, though, this 2014 MBA is already a 512 GB model as it used to belong to Apple.
@larand It's early spring here, I was indulging in my morning ablutions of the sit-down variety, so I closed the door to the laundry & switched o a fan heater as it was a tad chilly in the smallest room. The cat came over, looked at the closed door and started getting a bit upset. I'd closed her exit to the cat door leading outside from the laundry. Clearly she felt if I was ?-ing, she should do the same, but how to get to the pet door and outside?
Eventually she went around the long way, through open doors and doorways from toilet to bathroom to corridor to loungeroom to kitchen then to the laundry and outside.
@kdfrawg I've nothing against raspberry jam or preserves. But that yogurt was pure rubbish with an overly-sweet chocolate syrup and a raspberry syrup added. In my experience the sharp tang of yogurt doesn't work with chocolate or coffee.
// @matigo @gtwilson
Tried something different, raspberry & chocolate creme dessert yogurt.
Conclusion: vile muck, best avoided.
That was a nasty reflux-driven awakening: a foul metallic taste in my mouth & throat. Only two antacids left & not wanting to waste them if they didn't work. Slowly sipping cold milk, gargling occasionally. Feeling a little better..
GRRR. Lost the internet at home again. These cunts are irritating me. First the internet & associated VoIP phone line dies. Next the internet minus the phone component was restored. Now the whole thing's fallen over again.
Six minutes later: all is fine, phone line & Fraudband connection OK.
Whilst the home phone is currently dead due to a National Broadband Network up-fuck, at least I know if anyone calls the home phone number. Voicemail has been set to send me an SMS on the iPhone if a call comes in or a voice message is left.
While the internet has been restored following the nationwide NBN outage, I have no working home phone number, it's a VoIP setup & it just doesn't work.