@kdfrawg …. it's stomach.

I'm not so sure of that…… It's possible that it did end & was immediately replaced by an almost-exact copy. The only difference is objects are a few inches further away than is expected.

I knew something was happening, fireworks & dogs barking. Cats just can't be bothered with fireworks, or at least my can't be. She sat on the end of my bed, swivelled an ear towards the sound then went back to her ablutions.

suddenly, without noticing anything real different, it's 14 minutes into 2017.

When the Men's Shed group bought the iMac in Oct 2015, it cam with the standard wireless Bluetooth keyboard. I replaced it with one of my two aluminium keyboards & supplied a cheap USB DL DVD burner to make up the price/value difference between the keyboards.
Over the Xmas/New Year break I have the iMac at home for security & updates. I intend reclaiming the aluminium keyboard & replacing it with a white plastic 2016-12-31 at 23.37.jpg keyboard instead. Several users in the Shed say they prefer long-travel keystrokes.

TIL I can edit the white balance of pics taken on my Ricoh R10 digital camera while they're still on the camera/SD card.

One stormy night many years ago, my sister's dog panicked after lightning & thunder and ran away. Several hours later the doctor in the next town (a man my father detested because of claimed lax medical practices) phoned to say the dog was on his back veranda. The two properties are 7 km apart by road.

2016-12-31 at 22.32.jpg

Spider identification chart, simplified.


Under four hours til year's end. Bloody daylight savings- doesn't feel like 8pm.