There’s also Pinpoint app on the Mac App Store. Costs US $3.99


I replaced the battery in my SE a week before iOS 13 arrived. Battery performance took a massive hit but it’s settled back down after a few weeks & a few OS revisions.


Set up a keyboard shortcut, then.

Michelle is in a civilised part of the world where they don’t do that hideous daylight savings time. Unfortunately, 1800 km SSW, we do. So it’s 18 hours between my time zone & Dale’s.


AU $75 equates to around US $51.


@streakmachineI can’t believe some people are letting off fireworks in October!

Frightened the cat so much it ran up the Christmas tree!…

I replaced the battery in my SE for AUD$75 recently.


Ah, that explains why my feet smell & my nose runs…….

And two hours later it’s still 27º outside. The weather forecast suggests this overnight minimum temperature will be some 5º HIGHER than the expected daytime maximum reading.