// @kdfrawg


I headed to the Opera Beta web browser I've been playing with (the one with the proxy-based "VPN") for my daily dose of online news items. But the app kept locking up the Mac. Other apps would become unresponsive. Tabbed articles would take "forever" to load, if they loaded at all.
Not caring at this point about the VPN part, just wanting the News, I downloaded Opera's latest Alpha version & it behaved perfectly fine. No issues at all. Best of all, the VPN has made its way to the mainstream Opera version.

No longer needing the Beta version, I uninstalled it, just as I had uninstalled the pre-Beta Developer version when it was no longer the only way to access the browser-environment VPN.

Yeah, damn shame about Windows Phone OS. I used a Lumia 1020 for 2 years (my sister has it now). It had some seriously good stuff available. No decent web browser though.



Now look here kitteh. I'm using this bedroom for a change. You'll have to get used to me putting stuff like drugs, cups, wallets, keys etc on top of the multi-function printer you previously claimed as your high spot in this room. OK?

Just trashed an email. It said someone using Windows 7 had tried to log into my Netflix account on August 28th. Was it me?


I have no Netflix account.

someone tell me again why I should give a shit about anything.

Posted without further comment .

Donald Crumpet.jpg

Odd. I didn't see him yesterday when I was in hospital.
