I've decided to remove the back seat from my car as I never use it. If I do buy a pullabitable mobility scooter, the extra space will be useful, it's by no means a big car. On the subject of mobility scooters, in late February I replaced both batteries on it, one was OK, the other was buggered. I felt it unwise to mix a new battery with a 5-year-old one, so for the last 11 months I've had a 12 volt 50Ah deep cycle lead-acid traction battery sitting around without a use.
I reckon i can use it now, today I bought a 15-litre 12-volt mini fridge-freezer that was cheap & very efficient with electricity usage. It can achieve internal temperatures of -20ÂșC. If I were to use it in the car, that spare battery would be a sensible way of using it.