I've owned a number of coffee pod machines over the years. Today I collected another such machine, bough online yesterday. This is a Nespresso Vertuo Next device that works rather differently, spinning the barcoded pods at up to 7000 rpm to dispense the coffee. There are five different sizes of pods, the barcode around the rim of the pod tells the machine whether to dispense 40 ml; 80 ml; 150 ml; 230 ml or 414 ml. The pods are expensive and thus far only Starbucks and Nespresso themselves make suitable pods. I have on order from Amazon a set of caps to fit the 230 ml size pods to make the original pods reusable, cutting the expense and waste considerably.
I makes fantastic coffee, too, with a rich, thick crema on top. I bought this device on a special sale at a saving of $47, plus the manufacturer has a $50 cash back promotional offer valid until the end of May.