I have adopted a pale ginger male cat known to the RSPCA adoption centre as Smiley. His new name is Terrorcatta and he was last seen slinking off under a bed after leaving his carrier.
How to defy Apple and create a HomePod stereo pair with first and second-gen speakers.
I was planning on visiting the cat adoption centre at the RSPCA tomorrow (Friday) with the possibility of adopting a senior-age cat but an SMS reminder of an early afternoon physiotherapy appointment put paid to that plan. However, the adoption place is open seven days per week, so I can got there on Saturday.
Fun fact: The word sugar is the only word in the English language where "su" makes a "sh" sound.
At least, I'm pretty sure there's no issue with that.
@variablepulserate I am assured by others I know with chronic pain that just about the worst treatment you can get is at a Pain Clinic.
Another night with damn all sleep. Chronic pain in back knee and lower leg from various degenerative /congenital conditions. Leg pain is reflected from the back and I've yet to find ANYTHING to reduce that pain.
Oh, it's a hot summer night….
Well, it should be, but it’s 11ºC just after 11pm. Not much of a summer.
A dozen, a gross, and a score
Plus three times the square root of four
Divided by seven
Plus five times eleven
Is nine squared and not a bit more.
@variablepulserate The reflected pain from my lower back that shoots up beside my right shin from the ankle almost to the knee. Can't find any medication to help. Seeing a physiotherapist later in feb.