I discovered that music.apple.com is now out of beta. First time I ran it on my MacBook Pro it displayed a generic Apple Music app window. Then iCloud kicked in & it picked up my Apple Music Library (this was while using Safari, other browsers require manual log in).

I noticed then that the bottom right corner showed an icon of the US flag & the words United States.
By this stage the Safari address window was displaying https://music.apple.com/us/browse, so I changed that to https://music.apple.com/au/browse and the lower right corner displayed Australia.

Doesn’t work on iOS all browsers tried just force-opened the Apple Music app.

Worked OK on Android 10 but that platform has a native Apple Music app so it isn’t needed in a browser.

Was incredibly slow on the G4 PowerBook, gave up when it wouldn’t load an essential script in the TenFourFox web browser.

Was OK on the dual-1.25 GHz processor G4 PowerMac but was still a bit slow to respond.