I went hunting through a selection of Mum's photos which I had scanned four years ago just before he own passing. I couldn't find the USB drive I thought I'd stored them on but there was a backup on a SanDisk iXpand drive, I thought it would be a simple matter of plugging the USB-A end of the iXpand device into a Mac and perusing the scanned pics to find ones with Uncle Mike in them.
Not so easy. None of my Macs, be they Apple Silicon, Intel or PowerPC types could access the content.
The other end of the iXpand drive has a Lightning plug on it for use with iOS/iPadOS devices, I could try either an iPod Touch or an iPad Mini 5, I chose the latter because of the bigger screen. I was able to use the iXpand companion app to view and copy the desired photos. I found 17 in the scans and another 9 in my existing Photos Library.
On the Mac Mini I'd already set up an album for those 9 shots, I copied each scanned image to that same album in the iPad's Photos Library, then waited for iCloud to sync the extra 17 shots to export them from Photos onto a USB drive which I'll present to my cousin after the funeral service.