For the last three weeks in hospital I wasn't exactly inactive. Two 40-minute physiotherapy gym sessions each weekday and one such session daily on weekends. For various reasons, usually pain-related I missed/skipped 5 of these 36 sessions. For the first two weeks the gym was 80 metres away from the bed. On the last day in that room, I waled (with my rollator walker) the full 80m for the trip back. Granted, it did take about 20 minutes and needed 5 stops on the way, but I did it.
For the last week, I was in a different ward and attended a smaller gym that was just 25m from the bed.
While it's nice to be home, the assistive services to which I have been referred to ease my recovery at home are yet to be done as the assessment people haven't yet appeared. I do have a list of 28 exercises which I'm expected to perform at least once daily (pain permitting) plus an hourly deep breathing routine.