Any one of three criteria determine who gets immediate access to a 4th or 2nd COVID booster injection.
1: Over 65 years old.
2: Of indigenous origin.
3: Severely immunocompromised.
1: I’m under 65.
2: I’m a white boy.
3: Bingo! Finally found a suitable category.
Today I had a GP appointment, I planned to book in for a flu injection and a 2nd COVID booster shot.
The GP after other requests had been covered said "the flu is becoming rampant & I’ll do you now myself, three of our clinic’s nurses ore off sick at present.”
After removing four layers of clothing to reveal a bare upper arm (it’s winter) I received the flu injection in my right arm.
He then explained the clinic was no longer doing COVID injections but I could make a booking with a nearby pharmacy. He provided me with an official letter explaining my eligibility due to being severely immunocompromiused.
I was not able to book a shot at the pharmacy, or rather, I didn’t have to. After filling out a couple of forms I was told to wait on one of the three chairs on one side of the store. Within 10 minutes I’d had the injection, this time in the left arm, the theory being if there were to be any localised side-effects of either injection, I’d be able to tell which I’m reacting to. Thus far there have been no reactions.
Jab 1: Vaxevria.
Jab 2: Vaxevria.
Jab 3: Pfizer.
Jab 4: Moderna.