Ten minutes away by mobility scooter is a hidden gem. It appears to be just a line of trees on top of a hill behind a fence but really it’s a former quarry, fenced off to prevent critters & folk from falling in. On the western edge is a fenced lookout revealing the treasures beneath. Theres a meandering footpath which can access the area from the north or south. Once inside & protected from any wind there’s a rotunda surrounded by trees, shrubs & lawn areas, beside a pond with a boardwalk crossing it. There’s lots of shade from a magnificent oak tree. On a corner of the boardwalk there’s a pair of low seats and a fenced-off viewing area. Past the pond at the north end is an area of reeds (and alas, blackberries) leading to the north exit to the park. Previously this would have been difficult for me to access because of the hills - my arthritic knee doth protest greatly when forced into such contortions. But now I have my late mother’s electric mobility scooter with a range allegedly of 50+km.
It’s so beautiful & peaceful, I shall use it in future as a place of quiet contemplation.




